Faith, Love & Health

Archive for the month “April, 2008”


It is finally here!  I’ve been waiting for a week for my new i-phone and this morning at 9:25 A.M the door bell rang and there stood the Fed Ex man!  I could almost reach out and give him a hug, but after filtering the consequences of such an action I withstood the urge.  All I can say is Wohoooo! This is a great day! 

Experiencing God is Living

It is quite interesting; once a person starts church planting everything in his world begins to change.  Scheduling, office work and communication is no longer done within the pristine white walls of an office.  The environment shifts and you begin the adaptation process of your new world that is being formed.  When working out of your home office, you must set aside office hours VS family time.  Communication is done continual with emails and by mobile phone.  (May I add, I just ordered myself an I-phone and I am exited how it will help my communication base to expand while I am mobile?  I should get it by the end of the week!  Yeaaa!) Everything is done in motion, on the go open for all to see. 
I guess I am trying to say that though everything is changing and shifting continually, it is exciting to be part of what God has called you to – that being, people who desire to experience God in their world.  To me, that is living!



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